Nominees stArt Award 2021

The jury is happy to present the nominees (in alphabetic order) for the stArt Award edition 2021: Katja Großkinsky, Germany Femme ter Haar, Netherlands Jet Parent, Netherlands Ekaterina Shegurova, Russia Bela Unclecat, Siberia On the will find the ten criteria the jury has used for making this shortlist. In May the jury will announce the

2021-03-07T13:57:11+01:00March 6th, 2021|Categories: Pinocchio (2021), News, Nominees|Tags: |

stArt Award nominees 2015

The nominees of 2015: before the stArt Award ceremony. StArt Award winner 2015 Oona Mäkelä KASKA: Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen (BE) student 4th year Children’s jury award Bjorn Gort AKV|St.Joost (NL) student 3rd year 2nd Prize Vincy Cheung Parsons The New School for Design (USA) 2014 graduated 3rd Prize Cliff van Thillo HKU:

2018-08-30T12:53:26+01:00March 21st, 2015|Categories: With Alice in Wonderland (2015)|Tags: |