Nominees stArt Award 2021

The jury is happy to present the nominees (in alphabetic order) for the stArt Award edition 2021: Katja Großkinsky, Germany Femme ter Haar, Netherlands Jet Parent, Netherlands Ekaterina Shegurova, Russia Bela Unclecat, Siberia On the will find the ten criteria the jury has used for making this shortlist. In May the jury will announce the

2021-03-07T13:57:11+01:00March 6th, 2021|Categories: Pinocchio (2021), News, Nominees|Tags: |

Applause for the stArt Award nominees 2018: Greek Heroes

The Jury of the stArt Award 2018 had the joy to see more then 1.000 illustrations made by 68 participants from different nationalities. We’re happy to announce the nominees on alphabetic order: Anastasia Kobylina, Russia Dilyara Samoylova, Russia Djenné Fila, Netherlands Irina Vovk, Russia Johanna Breuch, Germany Katya Klimova, Russia Madelief ter Braak, Netherlands Olga Posukh,

2018-08-30T18:01:12+01:00March 22nd, 2018|Categories: News|

Work in Progress

This sketch is made by Lea Vervoort (stArt Award winner 2013). If you are an Greek Heroes expert you know immediately: this is the Minotauros. But what you do not see, is the story retold by Floor Tinga. Curious? The book release is 26 May 2018 at Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden. You missed it? No worries

2018-08-30T18:55:06+01:00February 20th, 2018|Categories: Greek Heroes (2018), News, Winners|Tags: , |

A sad love story

That's the story Orpheus and Eurydice. These stArt Award illustrations are made by Daria Deren from Russia. But she pictures herself as a happy person!

2018-08-30T18:50:03+01:00January 29th, 2018|Categories: News|

Pan as a cartoon: short and powerfull

Barbara Van Ransbeeck retells the story of Pan as a cartoon: short and powerfull. The story about herself has the same set up. She reveals that's she has difficulties making choices, maybe that's the consequences of dreaming to be the Goddess of Fantasy.

2018-08-30T18:11:26+01:00January 27th, 2018|Categories: News|

Hundred eyes and hundred arms

Picture yourself being caught by this creature drawn by Cellistine van Herwijnen from the Netherlands. She is one of the participants of the stArt Award 2018. The coming weeks you will meet many many Greek Heroes made by up-and-coming illustrators. The best works will be published in BoekieBoekie, a Dutch magazine for children.

2018-08-30T18:11:35+01:00January 21st, 2018|Categories: News|

Start Award at The London Illustration Fair 2017

Meet BoekieBoekie at The London Illustration Fair Saterday 2 December. The London Illustration Fair is an annual, artist-led illustration, print and graphic design fair, bringing artists and buyers together in a unique environment. The fair offers the chance for illustration lovers to come face to face with their favourite artists and discover amazing new artwork

2018-08-30T18:13:21+01:00November 28th, 2017|Categories: Lecture, News|

Work in progress

This is a great team: the SO-EXPO builders of the booth in Bologna. Every year they are there to help the stArt Award team, to hang the works of the stArt Award illustrators: the winners and the nominees! And of course there is time for a little fun. Here they're of for a quick lunch on

2018-08-30T18:56:43+01:00April 3rd, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: |