Start Award at The London Illustration Fair 2017

Meet BoekieBoekie at The London Illustration Fair Saterday 2 December. The London Illustration Fair is an annual, artist-led illustration, print and graphic design fair, bringing artists and buyers together in a unique environment. The fair offers the chance for illustration lovers to come face to face with their favourite artists and discover amazing new artwork

2018-08-30T18:13:21+01:00November 28th, 2017|Categories: Lecture, News|

stArt Award in Moscow

The very first International stArt Award masterclass was given in Moscow. That was in 2015 organized by the artists Ri Tori & Ilya Donets. Since then the stArt Award has conquered Russia. If you have been following the stArt Award, you know that many many debutants from Russia made artwork for the stArt Award edition

2018-08-30T18:16:58+01:00November 17th, 2015|Categories: Lecture, News|