Nominees stArt Award 2021

The jury is happy to present the nominees (in alphabetic order) for the stArt Award edition 2021: Katja Großkinsky, Germany Femme ter Haar, Netherlands Jet Parent, Netherlands Ekaterina Shegurova, Russia Bela Unclecat, Siberia On the will find the ten criteria the jury has used for making this shortlist. In May the jury will announce the

2021-03-07T13:57:11+01:00March 6th, 2021|Categories: Pinocchio (2021), News, Nominees|Tags: |

Work in Progress

This sketch is made by Lea Vervoort (stArt Award winner 2013). If you are an Greek Heroes expert you know immediately: this is the Minotauros. But what you do not see, is the story retold by Floor Tinga. Curious? The book release is 26 May 2018 at Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden. You missed it? No worries

2018-08-30T18:55:06+01:00February 20th, 2018|Categories: Greek Heroes (2018), News, Winners|Tags: , |